Is January already over? Need to fix that fast forward button on time! Wish we could slow down just a little bit....
Well on todays page, I'm sharing a photo that's a blast from my past. My oldest who is now 7 is throwing a 'shaka' sign at a luau with her little 2 and a half year old self!
And I'm using the totally awesome sketch #22 from Scrap Friends!

The bold hand painted script seems to be showing up everywhere and I love it! So I thought I'd have a go at the title. I know I need a more practice but I will certainly be trying this out some more.
What do you think about my funny little tiki head? It's from the font Tropicana BV. I enjoy finding cool dingbats and cutting them out on my Cameo. In fact, I probably have a mild font/dingbat addiction......
And really, I totally dig my little UmWowStudio chevron arrows, I think I would put them on all my pages if I could!
I hope you all get a chance to get creative this weekend and maybe even get inspired from the sketch! Aloha!